2023 SEO Strategy: 3 Elements for Crafting the Right Approach

SEO has changed dramatically over the past decade. Here are several lessons I have learned that have completely altered my approach to strategy for the better:

  1. Aligning Objectives and Means
  2. Preparing a Plan B
  3. Evaluating Execution Timelines

1. Aligning Objectives and Means

It’s the role of the SEO specialist to communicate that a 50% increase in organic traffic is not feasible without certain services or resources. Avoid saying “we’ll see” as it’s the enemy of meeting objectives. It’s always better to set clear expectations before the year begins.

It’s always better to underpromise and overdeliver.

2. Preparing a Plan B

If things don’t go as planned in the first or second semester, pivoting is essential. Without a plan B, valuable time is lost between analyzing, creating, and validating a new strategy.

3. Evaluating Execution Timelines

Although tasks are never exactly the same, some parts of the process are similar. How much time passes between creating a ticket and when developers discover it? Are 1-2-3+ week delays recurrent or does your QA period often arrive earlier than expected?

Incorporating these additional timelines to evaluate the impact of your actions can make a significant difference.

In conclusion, when is the best time to build your SEO strategy? Now. 2023 is here and it’s time to start.

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